Frequently Asked Questions 关于 计费


Q: Which methods can I use to pay my bill (check, cash, credit card)?

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  • View your account and make payments online
  • Review your medical record, and more

A: We accept payments made by cash, check, money order, or credit card. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.

Payments may be made:

  • 通过邮件使用帐单附赠的回邮信封,以支票付款, money order or credit card.
  • In-person (at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon): Stop by our Cashiers Office to make a payment in person. 收银处位于医疗中心三层的主购物中心.
  • 当面(在康科德、曼彻斯特或纳舒厄的十大网赌平台推荐希区柯克诊所): You may make in-person payments at any of our registration desks.
  • In-person (at Cheshire Medical Center)您可以在大厅登记旁边的收银台亲自付款.
  • In-person (at 新伦敦医院 or Newport 健康 Clinic): You can make an in-person payment at Central Registration
  • 通过电话: Credit card payments can be made by calling Customer Service.
  • 在线: Credit card payments can be made by using your myDH account or use the guest sign in if you do not have an account.
  • 自动支付: Credit card payments can be made by calling toll free 1-844-808-0730 and choosing the appropriate service location.


Q: There is a doctor's name on my bill I don't recognize. 为什么会这样??

答:你可能不认识出现在账单上的医生的名字有几个原因. 如果收费的服务是阅读x光片或病理报告, or for the doctor who gave you anesthesia, your bill will have the name of the doctor who performed these services. You may not have met with these staff people during your visit, but they are an important part of your care team.

另一个你可能在账单上不认识的名字是主治医生的名字. While you might see a specific care provider during your visit, it is the supervising staff doctor's name that appears on your bill.



A: There are different types of services, such as reading lab tests or X-rays, 由位于黎巴嫩的十大网赌平台推荐的提供者执行,他们帮助支持其他十大网赌平台推荐医疗中心或其他设施.


Q: Why am I being billed when I have insurance?

A: Many insurance companies have amounts which the patient must pay. These are called deductible, co-pay or co-insurance payments. 如果你的保险计划要求你支付免赔额或共同保险, the balance will be billed to you. 如果你对你的保险公司为什么不支付部分索赔有疑问, you should call your health insurance company directly.

如果您的保险公司没有在截止日期top处理我们的索赔,您也可能会收到账单. If you receive a statement that does not show insurance processing, 你应该联系你的保险公司以确定延误的原因.


Q: If my insurance company has a co-payment requirement, 我能等十大网赌平台推荐健康中心在我的保险程序结束后给我开账单吗?

答:十大网赌平台推荐医疗服务提供者希望在服务时支付共同支付金额. Please be prepared to pay your co-payment when you check-in.


Q: When is payment of my bill expected?

答:当您在服务top联系您确认保险和地址信息, 您将被告知是否有免赔额或共同保险金额,您将欠或是否有任何未偿余额的先top服务. 您将有机会在电话保密期间进行付款或付款安排. 当你到达你的预约时,你也可能会被告知任何未偿还的余额,以确保你知道余额,并给你选择付款安排. 除非您制定预算计划,否则在收到您的对账单时,预计将全额付款.


Q: What if I cannot pay my bill?

A: You should contact Customer Service to talk about a payment plan.


Q: If I can't afford to pay the bill I receive, are there any options?

答:十大网赌平台推荐健康学院由慈善组织组成,并有共同的财政援助政策. 您无力支付医疗费用不应妨碍您接受必要的医疗服务. 了解更多 about our 金融援助 Program 或打电话 1-844-808-0730 if you have questions.


Q: If my insurance company has pre-certification, prior approval or notification requirements for specific services, am I responsible for completing this task?


  1. 十大网赌平台推荐医疗机构与您的保险公司之间的合同协议, or
  2. The requirements as defined by your insurance or employer group plan.

在很多情况下, 如果我们与贵公司有合同,十大网赌平台推荐健康中心的工作人员将协助满足这些要求. 然而, 如果您对完成这些要求的责任有疑问, you should contact your insurance company directly. 如果这些步骤没有完成,您可能需要支付更高的免赔额或共同保险金额.


Q: How is a charge set for my services?


  • Costs to produce the service, 将每个项目的增量成本和满载成本结合起来进行定价
  • Marketing competitiveness, 其中既包括竞争对手的价格,也包括市场上服务的可用性
  • 报销率,考虑到根据健康计划合同应支付的数额

根据成本信息的可用性和衡量资源消耗的能力,我们的服务采用了各种定价方法. More detailed pricing principles have been documented for Pharmacy, OR, 研究, 辅助用品, and Professional Fees. As we establish new services, 全面审查的一部分包括为该计划设定价格. 与预算编制过程相结合,至少每年审查一次价格的适当性和合理性. 一旦发现问题或需要关注的问题,就会对价格进行特别审查.



A:这些文件详细说明了保险公司是如何处理您的索赔或账单的. An EOB or EOP is mailed by your insurance company directly to you.


Q: What is an average charge?

答:同一种服务的收费会根据病人的个别需要而有所不同. 所列的平均收费是接受相同护理和治疗的病人的中间收费.



A: Call Customer Service Department at 1-844-808-0730.
